Sunday, 27 May 2007

Why should the devil get all the best music

Reading Aunty Marianne's account of our celebratory sojourn into all things faux oirish - which appears to be entirely accurate by the way - got me musing as to why it is that I always find myself attracted to the bad guys. The Dark Lord was easily the more attractive of the two protagonists and analysing my reactions it had nothing to do with their relative merits in the looks department.

I came to realise that it was definitely the costume, in particular the shoulder pads which gave him that very masculine shape referred to by the Aunt as 'the Carrot'. The colours where brooding black and majestic purple, a winning and sexy combination if ever there was one.
I found myself smiling from ear to ear when he 'vanished' the Lord of the Dance in a puff of smoke and could not bring myself to applaud when he himself was 'vanished' or should it be 'vanquished' in the following act.

There is nothing I despise more than your architypal goody goody in a white shirt. I know he stands for all that is fair and true and all that and although I am, I think, a pretty fair and true person, that kind of thing is soooooo boriiiiiiing.

My first sexual fantasy, as I recall, was Captain Black, agent of the misterons. He was all brooding, silent, unshavenness and definitely had the look of the morning after the night before. A look I have gone for ever since as is evidenced by Fast Eddy (the morning after bit anyway).


The Aunt said...

Having met Fast Eddy and read this post I now understand much more.

His role as a Machiavellian lord of all evil is, of course, manifest to anyone who meets the man.

It's the leather trousers and the jacket with "Fast Eddy" studded into the back of it, I think.

SpanishGoth said...

Black is good - white is evil.

Glad you figured out the comment thing ;-)

Modo said...

Captain Black... and not Hammy Hamster? How about a Sapphic tryst with Teddy Edward's friend Jemmima Rabbit? Or an orgy with the mice from Bagpus? DP with Bill and Ben…

… and then there was Tiger from the Double Deckers… I used to fantasise about being locked up in a women’s prison in Mexico with her.

Honey said...

would you care to comment?
mutleythedog said...
Just to let you all know scouse-doris was apprehended by the Police earlier this evening and was charged with illegal possession with intent to supply...

Modo said...

I believe that the possession of chocolate flavour KY Jelly no matter in whatever quantity is not illegal, even if one intends to supply.

The stigma of vaginal dryness(old maids purse) is often conflated with illegality.
However the chocolate and cocaine pessaries and suppositories are an altogether different kettle of fish.

The Rooms Gallery said...

Very fair weathered here.......

Scouse Doris said...

Where are you Dr Spinks?