Saturday, 16 June 2007

Variety is the spice of life

Round at Blodwen's the other night, I was watching a bit of ITV (she has a satelite dish!) while sampling some of her excellent wine and TV snackettes and we happened upon a programme that purported to showcase "Britain's Talent". Neither Blodwyn nor I will pass up a chance to view some 'talent' so we decided to give it a gander.

It turned out to be one of those reality shows like "Pop Idol" where Simon Cowell and a couple of other minor celebrities watch and criticise so-called variety acts from the cream of Britain's performers in order to choose a selection to take part in the Royal Variety Performance in front of the Queen.

Well...we chatted our way through a series of dreadful 'acts' including a 76 year old tap dancer, a group of horendous Lena Zavaroni look-alikes and a 10 year old comedian. Think "Phoenix Nights".....NEXT!!

However, our attention was grabbed and we sat transfixed as a 'young man' in a sequined costume came onto the stage. The compere told us that his was a very sad story as his parents were completely unaware of his talent (apparently he was afraid to tell them and had to practice in secret). His aged grandmother helped him with his application for the show and he explained, through a torrent of tears, how he was so happy to get through to this round of the show and now his secret was out and his parents were in the audience and were about to find out what he did in his spare time.

I turned to Blodders and we wordlessly asked each other what on earth he was going to do?

The music started and he twirl his baton, throwing it up into the air with great aplomb and some skill. Pllleeeeeeeease!!

Oh - not another 'closet baton-twirler'! we thought and turned back to our smoked salmon.

He didn't get through but his parents said that they were very proud of him! and both he and his grandmother cried.


The Aunt said...

It's good to know that a lad can come out as a baton-twirler on national television and receive so much support.

How times have changed.

Modo said...

Hearing the radio news I was led to believe that Pol Pot had won Britain's Wot Got Talent.

Anonymous said...

If he was a girl he'd be a majorette, so as he's a guy does that mean he's a Major?

PS, I'm concerned to hear you and Aunty M can be found loitering near the Fuzzy Budgie. There are all sorts of undesirables in that neighbourhood. If you're exceedingly unfortunate you could even catch sight of the lesser spotted Lynx!

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Hmmmm, nice smoked salmon Blods...

Oh, yus, chuck over the handset will you, I need to look at some adverts...

Gorgeous, Doris!

Scouse Doris said...

Aunty - How indeed!

Lucien - Yes I think you are right. I too heard that.

Lynx - If you had seen him you would have realised that Major Baton Twirler may have suited him as a title - You should make yourself known to me and the Aunt next time you are near the HC - I have never noticed any big cats but usually can't see very clearly around there. Can't think why?

Scroblene - Cheers!!

The Aunt said...

How the hell is Lynx supposed to guess it's us? It's not as if he shows up at blogmeets, and not as if we have large luminous arrows pointing at our heads and reading "Incredibly beautiful and clever Brussels Bloggers".

Lynx - follow the loud dirty laughter.

Tippler said...

Lynx, I'll set you right, mate.

A proper pair, they are.

And so are Aunty and Doris...

The Aunt said...

I've tagged you.

MKWM said...

Girls, he has the Lyn X-factor, you will know when you see him.

Anonymous said...

Hey airguitaring scouse woman.
Just checking in.
Aunt, did someone take the sign down?

Scouse Doris said...

Hi Laura, I have just been tagged by the Aunt and was having difficulty thinking of my 8 things. I had forgotten that I play a mean air guitar!
